News, Articles and Videos by Uta Pippig

Uta's Spring Greeting 2024: Let's Run Together
I send you many greetings with best wishes for your fitness and running endeavors wherever you are this spring with an update on my schedule and events in Colorado, Boston, and Berlin. Let’s celebrate this beautiful way of life, enjoying living in the moment.
Uta’s Favorite Exercises to Improve Your Fitness and Running Technique
Uta Pippig has designed an at-home fitness program which uses your own body weight, steps, and a Theraband.

Articles from Die Welt

Getting Your Children Excited about Running
Children naturally like to move and play. Running can be an activity that they can embrace and lead to a life of fitness and health. Uta shares her thoughts on how you can get your child excited about running.
Easy running - extremely important, especially over 40
Good and effective training requires recovery time. Especially as we get older, relaxed running becomes extremely important. This involves planned, relaxed units followed by rest phases and sufficient quality sleep. Because those who control their ego, develop better. A training guide from running legend Uta Pippig.

I couldn't feel my breath or my legs with excitement
Uta Pippig won the marathons in Berlin and Boston three times each. In her 100th WELT column, she looks back at the 1990 reunification marathon in her home country. And looks ahead to the race on Sunday.